Geneva, 17 October 2024

Geneva Peace Week: PeaceTalk

P4P was honoured to have been part of the inspiring lineup at the PeaceTalks edition yesterday evening during Geneva Peace Week , where we heard powerful stories of resilience, compassion and determination in peacebuilding efforts.

Geneva peace week focus

P4P was honoured to have been part of the inspiring lineup at the PeaceTalks edition yesterday evening during Geneva Peace Week , where we heard powerful stories of resilience, compassion and determination in peacebuilding efforts focused on Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Sudan and Afghanistan. Thanks to Interpeace and Geneva Peacebuilding Platform for organizing such a great event.

Hiba Qasas had the privilege to engage in a heartfelt conversation with Palestinian activist Ali Abu Awwad, who shared his profound journey through bereavement and how, despite the immense personal loss, he chose to work to break the cycle of violence together with committed Israeli partners.

His story embodies the very essence of the Uniting for a Shared Future (USF) initiative, which we at Principles for Peace Foundation, are proud to support. This initiative brings together Israeli and Palestinian leaders from all walks of life, whom, despite a very different reading of the present and the past, all agree to create a shared vision for the future — A future based on mutual recognition & acknowledgement, dignity & equality, security & safety, agency & inclusion and trust through healing.

The event reinforced the notion that building peace is not the responsibility of a few. It is the work of us all, to take personal initiatives, to set an example and inspire others – whether from the front or behind. Solutions to conflict do exist; and it is our shared responsibility to be pro-solution.

This is the only stance that will protect both Palestine and Israel from the endless cycle of violence.

Geneva peace week