

The eight Principles for Peace offer a practical framework to guide policies and decisions at all levels of the peacemaking space. They have an overarching goal of making peacemaking processes more effective, coherent, accountable, and durable. The Principles for Peace serve as an important diagnostic tool to systematically measure and evaluate the quality of peacemaking initiatives over time.  They represent a holistic, ethical vision of sustainable peace, which can be concretely operationalised to improve peacemaking policies and outcomes

The Principles for Peace


Principle 1


Dignity is about the fair and equal treatment of all actors in peace processes.

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It is only by considering the interests, views, and needs of all persons that a process, and in turn the peace itself, can be legitimate.


Principle 2


Solidarity is grounded in the view that the peacemaking success depends on the contributions of each set of actors.

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There must be an acceptance of the need to share burdens, risks, and resources, which requires solidarity with all those involved in the peacemaking process. 

The causes and consequences of conflicts are often global in nature; therefore, solutions must be global as well.


Principle 3


Humility is about ensuring that all those involved in peacemaking strive to be empathetic and respectful of others.

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For international actors, this means enabling, rather than leading, peace processes. They must see themselves as midwives of peace, not architects.


Principle 4


Legitimacy, and the lack of it, is the reason for the failure of so many peacemaking efforts.

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For peacemaking to succeed, the long-term legitimacy of all the processes, institutions, powerholders, and laws that deliver and govern peace must be established. 

Legitimacy is our lodestar. It is the only way to and sustain peace.


Principle 5

Accountable security

There can be no peace without accountable security. All peace process must aim to end hostilities and reduce the risk of recurring violence.

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This requires security institutions to be accountable, ensuring that security is provided as a public good, while respecting human rights and humanitarian law, and adhering to agreed principles governing the use of force in society.


Principle 6

Promoting pluralism

Promoting pluralism is about empowering the participation of all actors in delivering and sustaining peace. This goes beyond simple inclusion at the negotiation table.

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It is critical that all peacemaking efforts ensure fair and equal participation in public life and provide equitable access to institutions and services, irrespective of communal, political, social, economic, and gender divides.


Principle 7

Adopting subsidiarity

Adopting subsidiarity is about moving away from universal templates for peacemaking towards approaches that are as local as possible and only as international as necessary.

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This does not absolve international and national actors of responsibility, but rather calls on them to embrace a role of responsible oversight that is responsive and accountable to local communities and recognises the primacy of local leadership. 


Principle 8

Integrated and hybrid solutions

Integrated and hybrid solutions is about understanding that no two peace processes are the same.

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Each must be rooted on local context, deploying solutions grounded in local norms, institutions, and traditions, while harmonising both short- and long-term peacemaking processes.

The first three principles — dignity, solidarity, and humility — provide an ethical compass to guide the individual and collective actions and decisions of peacemakers while also building trust and respect between all parties.

The fourth and fifth principles — enhancing legitimacy and accountable security — are the overarching objective and goal towards which the ethical compass points. They serve as a foundation for reaching lasting peace.

The final three principles — promoting pluralism, adopting subsidiarity, and embracing integrated and hybrid solutions — embed the practical commitments and partnerships needed for strengthening peacemaking efforts, involving all actors in the peacemaking space.

Click to hear the endorsement of the Principles from Bernardo Arévalo, President of Guatemala.



Who is involved in the Stakeholder Platform?

Meeting contemporary security challenges while building peaceful states and societies requires devising new forms of engagement among all participants in peacemaking.

Key constituencies include:

Government representatives, such as ministerial staff and parliamentarians

Security institutions and non-state armed groups where appropriate

Intergovernmental and multilateral organisations

Civil society organizations 
and activists


Business and private sector foundations

Academics, researchers and students

Other actors involved in peacemaking and peacebuilding