ChartingNewPaths to Lasting Peace

In a global landscape marked by rising polarization, violence and eroding trust in both local governance and international institutions, the Principles for Peace Foundation is setting new standards and approaches in peace engagements worldwide.  
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We live in one of the least peaceful times in recent history


People in conflict
the world




Is the average
lifespan of a
peace agreement


With more than two billion 
people caught in conflicts, 
the time to act is now

P4P offers a new approach, principles, methodologies and measuring tools 
effective, legitimate, inclusive, accountable and sustainable peace solutions. 

a catalyst for action

We are a standard-setting organisation

Together with 120+ organisations, P4P has created a set of common principles and standards to embody a new approach to peace and security, at the global, regional and local level.

The principles are not just theoretical—they can be used as a practical tool for shaping the way peace processes are designed and measured.

Standards and principles

We provide a set of common standards and principles to serve as a universal reference framework, offering a benchmark for progress that can be applied across diverse conflict situations. This is not just theoretical – it is a practical tool for shaping the way peace processes are designed and measured.

Methodology, diagnostic tool, and participatory review

We have developed a powerful methodology that includes a diagnostic tool and participatory periodic reviews, to address critical gaps in legitimacy and inclusion that often lie at the heart of peace process breakdowns. By diagnosing these gaps early, we are able to intervene more effectively and promote more inclusive and sustainable peace agreements.

New peace measurement architecture

We contribute a new peace measurement architecture, anchored by the Peace Navigator-a data platform that helps track the quality and trajectory of peace engagements. This tool provides decision-makers with actionable insights, allowing them to understand the dynamics of peace in real time and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Tools for Course Correction

P4P offers tools for course correction, including simulations and peace gaming exercises, allowing stakeholders to test different scenarios, understand potential outcomes, and refine their strategies.

Accompaniment and coalition building

P4P plays a catalytic role in peace processes through accompaniment and coalition building. We work alongside local stakeholders, helping to build broad-based coalitions that can drive the peace process forward. This is not just about offering advice—it’s about being a trusted partner, helping to align diverse actors towards a common goal.


We provide a framework for action and a benchmark for progress.

We offer a suite of tools, diagnostics, and expert-guided strategies.

We promote coherence, transparency, and accountability in all peace efforts.

Our commitment is to:

Shift the focus

We depart from focusing simply on ending violence to fostering inclusive, legitimate, and enduring peace, paired with accountable security.

Reinvent partnerships

We facilitate genuine peace-oriented partnerships, by valuing locally led state-society solutions over elite power-sharing. We serve not as the architects but as the midwives of peace. 

Transform dynamics

We move beyond mere elite power-sharing to embrace collaborative state-society relations. 

Harness the principles for peace

We accompany stakeholders throughout the intricacies of peace processes. We guide alliance building and dialogues, assess the progress of shared metrics, and navigate course correction.

Move from policy to funding

We utilise our diagnostics and feedback loop mechanism to produce and monitor effective measurements. We strive to ensure accountability to taxpayers and affected communities and guide collective action.

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Explore P4P updates

Peace games 2024-head
Dec 13, 2024

Peace Games Wins Innovation Award at I/ITSEC 2024

We are thrilled to share a proud milestone for P4P: Peace Games, developed in partnership with our exceptional partner CRISP, has been honoured with the Serious Games Innovation Award at I/ITSEC 2024.

Somalia NRF
Dec 03, 2024

Somalia: Presentation of the NRF – Advisory Board

The National Reconciliation Framework (NRF) Advisory Board was officially presented on December 3rd in Nairobi.

Jul 10, 2024

Uniting for a shared Future

The Principles for Peace Foundation (P4P) and B8 of Hope, hosted a second private convening to explore and envision a shared future for Israel and Palestine….

May 4, 2024

Geneva Peace Week

Save the date for the upcoming 11th edition of the Geneva Peace Week 2024, wicht will be held from 14 to 18 October 2024 in the Maison de la Paix.

Strategy workshop with Stakeholder Platform members, donors and partners of the Principles for Peace initiative, CAGI, Geneva, 17 January 2023
Mar 28, 2024

President of Guatemala supports P4P Legitimacy

We share this short clip of Bernardo Arévalo, in recognition of his presidential inauguration in Guatemala.


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Collaborate with a global network committed to transformative peace engagement.