The Peacemaking Covenant

The Peacemaking Covenant represents a public commitment to a common set of core values and ethical standards intended to guide global peacemaking policies and practices.

The Peacemaking Covenant aims to provoke a substantive reimagining of the peacemaking ecosystem to transform:

1. how peacemaking is conceived

2. how local and international actors work together

3. how peacemaking is implemented to reconfigure state-society relations

4. how social groups interact


The eight Principles for Peace are the foundation of the Peacemaking Covenant. They were designed to consider the choices, trade-offs, and decisions of those involved in peacemaking processes. They reflect the belief that practical actions and concrete peacemaking programmes must embrace a comprehensive and ethical vision — all while recognising the serious challenges and obstacles to building sustainable and secure peace that exist in often challenging geopolitical contexts.

key documents

Download the Peacemaking Covenant (full-version / English).

Download the Peacemaking Covenant Map