what we do
The Principles for Peace Foundation acts as an independent convenor, fostering broad, multi-stakeholder participation and connecting actors at different levels of intervention around a common approach, founded in the Principles for Peace. We also work as a standard-setting organization, promoting a unity of vision in the sector at the global, regional and local level.
We have three interlinked priority areas — effectiveness, system change, and accompaniment — to monitor progress, provide tools, and bridge local-international gaps. Additionally, through our measurement tools, we ensure that peace efforts remain accountable, adaptive and sustainable.
Priority area 1
To measure the progress of peace efforts and guide decision-makers in course correction and demonstrate return on investment, we have established a series of diagnostic and measurement tools as well as a country-level Participatory Periodic Reviews for Peace to track and enhance peace engagements. These processes inform decision-making, foster accountability, and empower decision-makers in evidence-informed policymaking.
Priority area 2
System change
We advocate for the adoption of the Principles among key international and local stakeholders, emphasizing a collaborative, ecosystem-based approach. We work to cultivate a global alliance around a new narrative of peace, building authentic and equitable partnerships.
Priority area 3
Our work is collaborative, involving partnerships with government, civil society, academia, and various actors. We provide practical support, actionable guidance, contacts and adaptable approaches for peace processes, including national dialogues. We translate the Principles into concrete strategies, tailored tools, and innovative methodologies, such as peacegaming, playbooks, and scenario simulations, to foster dialogue and training.