
Together with our partner Crisis Simulation for Peace (CRISP), we have developed Peacegaming as a tool to enhance mediation and conflict resolution skills. Peacegaming involves tailored strategies for different actors involved in peace processes.

Peacegaming is an innovative, interactive learning methodology designed to tackle the complexities of peace and conflict situations. By simulating real-world scenarios, participants engage in structured role-playing exercises while representing various stakeholders like governments, armed groups, and civil societies. This enables participants to identify and analyse the underlying causes and missed

opportunities in peace agreements, offering a practical platform for mediation practitioners to apply the Principles for Peace. Through this immersive Peacegaming experience, participants gain a deep understanding of conflict dynamics and hands-on practice in conflict resolution and peacebuilding strategies.

By experimenting with decision-making processes, analysing conflict elements, and exploring multifaced solutions in a risk-free environment, practitioners can critically assess and refine their approaches to building sustainable peace. We are proud to announce that Peacegaming won the Innovation Award at I/ITSEC 2024.


Peacegaming versions

Peacegame versions, in partnership with Crisis Simulation for Peace (CRISP):

Mediator’s edition

Aims to support conflict mediation work and help mediators build the foundations for sustainable peace.

Security actor’s edition

Geared towards security experts, this version put the emphasis on assessing and ensuring accountable security provision.

International community edition

Aims to break the black box of regional conflict dynamics by introducing key international actors that influence events on a global scale.

Military officer training edition

Adapted for the specific purpose of training military officers in countries experiencing low levels of security accountability.


Developing Playbooks

P4P has developed a series of “playbooks” to guide various stakeholder groups —including institutional peacebuilding partners, mediators, security actors, parliamentarians, the diplomatic community, the business sector, women and youth peacebuilders, civil society organisations, — in their peace engagements. 

These playbooks are designed as flexible frameworks for action, offering practical insights and strategies tailored to specific peacemaking contexts and stages. Developed through a co-creative process with experts and affected communities, the playbooks aim to adapt and evolve, reflecting continual learning and the dynamic nature of peacebuilding. 

What accompaniment looks like

Security sector actors

The P4P playbook for security sector actors, developed in collaboration with Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, is a dynamic resource designed to guide security sector actors in supporting peacemaking efforts across various contexts and stages. The playbook emphasises the application of the Principles for Peace as a flexible guide and diagnostic tool, helping these actors navigate challenges in areas such as security sector governance and reform, disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration, as well as broader peacebuilding processes. 

The playbook aims to assist security sector actors in understanding their role in peacemaking, highlighting strategies for ending violence, supporting political transitions, and participating in dialogues. It acknowledges the complexity of peacemaking, urging actors to adopt an ecosystem approach and recognising their impact within the broader peacebuilding context. 

Developed through a consultative process, the playbook is co-created with practitioners, policymakers, and affected communities, ensuring it is grounded in practical experience and responsive to current challenges and successes in the field 


The P4P playbook for parliamentarians, developed in partnership with the Inter-Parliamentary Union, is designed to enhance their role in peacemaking efforts. Focusing on the unique contributions of parliamentarians in peace processes, the playbook provides strategies that align with P4P Principles and addresses their roles in implementing peace agreements, supporting transitional justice, and promoting national dialogue. 

The playbook aims to empower them to effectively support peacemaking initiatives. It explores their unique roles and responsibilities in peace processes, offering practical advice on leveraging parliamentary functions for peacemaking and addressing challenges, such as democratic backsliding and the risk of parliaments acting as obstacles to peace.It 

explores the use of parliamentary functions in peacebuilding, including legislative, oversight, and diplomatic roles. It acknowledges the challenges and opportunities parliamentarians face in global peace processes and aims to offer practical and innovative guidance for effective engagement in diverse conflict-affected settings. 

This initiative was highlighted at the IPU General Assembly in November 2023, marking a significant step in the collaboration between P4P and IPU to empower parliamentarians in their crucial role in peacemaking efforts worldwide.

key documents


The Peacegaming


How Can Security Actors Apply the Principles for Peace?


Leveraging Parliamentary Functions to Build Lasting Peace